Ready or Not; Here He Comes

Second Sunday in Advent, 2009. Sermon text is Luke 3.4-6

Love: Expected Joy for God's People

Second Midweek Advent Service, 2010. Sermon text is Mal. 4.2

When God Stops Talking

Third Sunday in Advent, 2010. Sermon text is Matthew 11.11

The God of the Nations and Mary's God

Fourth Sunday in Advent, 2006. Sermon text is Luke 1.46

Christmas Sermon

Christmas Day Sermon, 2006. Sermon text is John 1.14

All History is His Story

Sunday after Christmas, 2010. Sermon text is Matthew 2.15

Christ: First of Many Pleasing Sons of God

Baptism of our Lord, 2011. Sermon text is Matthew 3.16-17

The Cost of Discipleship

Third Sunday after Epiphany, 2011. Sermon text is Matthew 4.22

More Than a Prophet, Jesus Is THE Prophet

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, 2009. Sermon text is Jeremiah 10.9-10

How Can Dirt Become Salt?

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, 2011. Sermon text is Matthew 5.13

Stuck Between Justice and Mercy

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, 2011. Sermon text is Matthew 5.43-45, 48

How a Pastor is to be Judged

Eighth Sunday after Epiphany, 2011. Sermon text is 1 Cor. 4.1-2

Stewardship Sermon

March 4, 2007. Sermon text is Luke 15.29-30

The House of Moses' More Glorious Builder

Transfiguration, 2010. Sermon text is Hebrews 3.5-6

This Gift is Amazingly Greater than Original Sin!

First Sunday in Lent, 2011. Sermon text is Romans 5.16-17

The Lord Remembers to Save

Second Sunday in Lent, 2010. Sermon text is Philippians 3.20-21

The Gospel Destroys Sin(ners) and Creates Saints

Third Sunday in Lent, 2011. Sermon text is Romans 5.6-8

Why Christ on a Cross?

Fourth Sunday in Lent, 2006. Sermon text is John 3.14-15

God's Gracious Light Giving Light in the Gospel of Christ's Death

Fourth Sunday in Lent, 2009. Sermon text is John 3.21 and Eph. 2.4

Fellowship with God is Only by Reconciliation

Fourth Sunday in Lent, 2010. Sermon Text is Luke 15.20

Who Leads in Your Dance Towards Death?

Fiifth Sunday in Lent, 2011. Sermon text is Romans 8.11

Your Needy King!

Palm Sunday, 2006. Sermon text is Matthew 21.3-5.

Will He Also Be Your King?

Palm Sunday, 2009. Sermon text is Matthew 21.5-7.

Behold Jesus, Your Savior and King

Palm Sunday, 2010. Sermon text is Matthew 21.5,9

Holy Communion: So What?

Maundy Thursday, 2010. Sermon text is 1 Corinthians 11.26

Faith's Glimmering Sight of the Risen Christ

Easter Sunday, 2006. Sermon text is Luke 24.31f.

The Wounds of Christ, the Death of Death

Easter Sunday, 2009, Sermon text is Mark 16.6-7

Christ Overcame to Give You the Victory

Easter Sunday, 2010, Sermon text is Rev. 3.14-22

The Miracle of Easter

Easter Sunday, 2011, Sermon text is Mt. 28.6

May I Love What You Command and Desire What You Promise, O Lord

First Sunday of Easter, 2009, Sermon text is John 15.4,7 and the Collect of the Day

Born Again Through Faith that Quiets Reason

Second Sunday of Easter, 2009, Sermon text is John 20.26-29

Spiritual Food in the Church's Pantry

Second Sunday of Easter, 2011, Sermon text is John 20.21-23

The Assuring Reason the Father Loves the Son

Good Shepherd Sunday, 2006. Sermon text is John 10.17.

Christ Conquered so We are Conquered

Good Shepherd Sunday, 2010. Sermon text is Acts 9.15-16

The Good Shepherd Leads His Sheep

Good Shepherd Sunday, 2011. Sermon text is John 10.3-4

Christ Prepares us for Joy

Fifth Sunday of Easter, 2010, Sermon text is John 16.20-22

Christ's Perfect Love Casts Out Our Fear

7th Sunday of Easter, 2006. Sermon text is 1 John 4.

Christ has One United Church on Earth

7th Sunday of Easter, 2010, Sermon text is John 17.20-21

Only Christ has Come from Heaven, SO?

Trinity Sunday, 2006. Sermon text is John 3.

What is Being 'Born Again'?

Trinity Sunday, 2009. Sermon text is John 3.

Know Christ, Know God; No Christ, No God

Trinity Sunday, 2010. Sermon text is John 8.54-56

Christ's Authority to 'Work' on the Sabbath

Pentecost 2, 2006. Sermon text is Mark 2.

From Seed to Harvest; Groans to Joy!

Pentecost 2, 2009. Sermon text is 2 Corinthians 5.

Christ's Only Rebuke for his People

Pentecost 3, 2009. Sermont text is Mark 4.

The Quality of Mercy is Unstrained

Pentecost 3, 2010. Sermon text is Luke 7.47

God's Better Point of View is Ours in Christ!

Pentecost 4, 2006. Sermon text is 2 Cor. 5.

Hope in Christ Beyond Your Complacency

Pentecost 5, 2010. Sermon text is Luke 9.62

God's Grace is Sufficient

Pentecost 6, 2006. Sermon text is 2 Cor. 8.14.

More Meteoric Martyrs Mirror Christ

Pentecost 6, 2009. Sermon text is Mark 6.14-16

The Unity Given by the One Shepherd.

Pentecost 8, 2006. Sermon text is Mark 6.34.

Insatiable Hunger? or Christ?

Pentecost 9, 2009. Sermon text is John 6.35

God Heeds the Prayer of the Faithful

Pentecost 9, 2010. Sermon text is Gen. 18.20

Be Rich Towards God

Pentecost 10, 2010. Sermon text is Luke 12.15

Christ's Body and Blood are True Food and True Drink

Pentecost 13, 2006. Sermon text is John 6.54f.

Abundant Blessings through Faith which Reason Cannot Grasp

Pentecost 14, 2006. Sermon text is John 6.60-69.

Help My Unbelief

Pentecost 15, 2009. Sermon text is Mark 9.24

Christianity is All or Nothing

Pentecost 15, 2010. Sermon text is Luke 14.33

Recognizing Who is For and Who is Against Christ

Pentecost 16, 2006. Sermon text is Mark 9.38f.

God's Wondrous Judgement of the Faithful

Pentecost 16, 2010. Sermon text is 1 Timothy 1.12-17

The Power of Faith - Prayer and Confession

Pentecost 17, 2009. Sermon text is James 5.15

Lord, Spare Us From Our Love of Money

Pentecost 19, 2009. Sermon text is Mark 10.21

Miracles do Happen! Do you Believe it?

Pentecost 19, 2010. Sermon text is Luke 17.5-6

Will We Wrestle with God and Man?

Pentecost 21, 2010. Sermon text is 2 Tim. 4.1-2

Reformation of the Heart; Of the Church

Reformation Sunday, 2006. Sermon text is Romans 3.19f.

How Can a Righteous God Forgive?

Reformation Sunday, 1010. Sermon text is Romans 3.26

By Your Endurance You Will Save Your Life

2nd Last Sunday of the Church Year, 101. Sermon Text is Luke 21.19

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