This page gives you a quick overview of the Titles of Books Available for purchase from this web site. If you are familiar with these books already, and need not browse through them before purchasing, merely click the buy buttons in this list to purchase them through our convenient PayPal shopping cart system. If you are interested in browsing before buying, simply click on the links on the menu to the left, or on the headings below. Our books are available to browse in their entirety before purchase or else we are in the process of making them available. Thanks for browsing and reading and I pray you be blessed by your reading these collections of Walther and Luther and the derivatives in our catalog.


1.  New Titles (published 2012) 


C.F.W. Walther's Original Der Lutheraner Volumes One through Three (1844-'47). Bilingual: Softcover 732 pages: $55.00

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Missouri Synod in Formation (1844-'47): Essays of the Founding Fathers. Softcover 476 pages: $45.00

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2. Luther Store


Luther's Family Devotions, 2nd edition. 688 pages hardbound. $25.00


Festival Sermons of Martin Luther. 546 pages hardbound. Out of Print

Out of Print

Christ Beyond Reason. 127 pages softcover. $11.99

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3. Seminal Walther : (translations of collections unedited, as originally offered)


From Our Master's  (From Lutherische Brosamen 1876). 320 pages softcover. $28.50

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Occasional Sermons and Addresses (From Casual -Precigten und -Reden, 1889). 288 pages softcover. $28.50 

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Festival  Sermons (From Festklaenge, 1892). 214 pages softcover. $26.50 

                                                                 OUT OF PRINT

out of print

Addresses and Prayers (From Ansprachen und Gebete, 1888). 208 pages softcover. $8.66

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4. Edited Walther Collections: Treasury Series

 The above four seminal collections have been edited by season and theme in the 7 volume

Treasury of C.F.W. Walther collection. This collection is nearly identical to the above,

but placed in smaller volumes on topics for more targeted use.


Treasury Vol. 1: Christmas and Epiphany. 259 pages softcover. $13.75

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Treasury Vol. 2: Passion/Easter Tide. 177 pages softcover.


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Treasury Vol. 3: Pentecost to Michaelmas. 166 pages softcover. $13.75

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Treasury Vol. 4: Reformation/Luther. 194 pages softcover. $13.75

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Treasury Vol. 5: Repentance and Faith. 173 pages softcover. $13.75

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Treasury Vol. 6: Special Services. 291 pages softcover. $13.75

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Treasury Vol. 7: Synod and Voters' Assembly. 202 pages softcover. $13.75

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5. Der Lutheraner


Der Lutheraner volumes 1-3, bilingual. 732 pages. $55.00

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Missouri Synod in Formation (1844-'47): Essays of the Founding Fathers. 476 pages softcover. $45.00

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Holy Communion: Vanishing Mark of the Church. by Baseley. 132 pages softcover. $12.50

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6. Baseley


Christ Beyond Reason. Out of Print

Holy Communion: Vanishing Mark of the Church. by Baseley. 132 pages softcover. $12.50

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