Luther Translations and Derivatives

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Luther's Family Devotions second edition

Ed. Georg Link

Translated by Joel R. Baseley




Description: This volume of daily devotions keyed to the historical liturgical calendar of the church was first made available by Rev. Georg Link to his church in the nineteenth century, excerpted from German sources of Luther's writings. Each devotion consists of a Bible verse, a substantial reading from Martin Luther and a hymn verse, made available in English through the translation of Joel Baseley. This Second Edition has the same readings and format as the first, but has been improved and rendered more readable!


ISBN 978-0-9652403-5-2


688 pages hardcover.

Cost: $25.00

Festival Sermons


Martin Luther

Translated by Joel R. Baseley


Description: The Festival Sermons of Martin Luther were compiled in the 1520's and edited during Luther's lifetime. With some of the outlines by Bugenhagen and some scholarly questions regarding its 16th century redaction, the character of the Reformer breathes in these never before translated or published Sermons of Martin Luther for the chief feasts and Saints' days of the church. This volume is a perfect companion for your Lenker and Klug collections!

ISBN 978-0-9652403-1-4

546 pages. Hardbound.

Cost: $28.95 -- OUT OF PRINT

Christ Beyond Reason


Joel R. Baseley

Out of Print

Description: The translator of The Festival Sermons of Martin Luther, was impressed with the depths of Luther's treatment of the differentiation between faith and reason and of how reason falls short of apprehending God and cannot then help but sin by its false (baseless) judgments of God. Thus the role of faith alone as what grasps God's grace to sinners is thoroughly treated in this little book, primarily quoting the Reformer himself in his Festival Sermons.

ISBN 978-0-9652403-2-1 

127 pages. Softbound in 5.5 x 8.5" format.

Cost: $11.99

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