Terms of Useage

All content of this web site is the property of Mark V Publications and cannot be reproduced without written permission of the owner.

Comments and statements made by those posting on the Blog Site are the intellectual property of the one posting the comment. No comment will be removed over dissagreement with stated positions. However it is assumed those posting are Christians and therefore are willing to be corrected by the Word of God.

Those who refuse to be corrected by the clear Word of God, or who dissemble statements made to him or her in good faith will be removed from membership in the private areas and if he/she persists in obnoxious behavior on the (open access) guestbook, his IPN will be blocked from the site and he will be consigned to the devil so that his flesh will be destroyed and he may be saved in the judgement!

You know what I mean. Be good Christians and humbly receive the Word of Truth! Help others to do so, too!

All final decisions on Blog policy will by made by the site administrator and owner, the Rev. Joel R. Baseley.

© 2013  Mark V Publications