About Mark V. Publications

Mark V Publications.COM

2ooo North York

Dearborn, MI 48128


Phone: 1 (313) 730-9094

Fax: 1 (313) 565-4330

URL: www.markvpublications.com

Email: owner@markvpublications.com

Business hours

8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 

Monday through Friday

Mark V Publications

Mark V Publications is the legal DBA (Doing Business As) of Joel R. Baseley, registered to do business by and in the state of Michigan, which was founded in 1996. Back then, after some years of translating "Luther's Taegliche Housandacht" as an extra interest and avocation, starting when serving his first parish in Billings, NY, he sought to have it published through Concordia Publishing House. The editor assigned to considering the project back then replied by estimating only 200 copies would be sold and that it did not merit publication. With some generous support of parents and encouragement of others aware of the project it was self-published under the Mark V imprint and the first printing was sold out almost immediately. Since then over 2500 copies have been sold. We are thankful to observe more recently that a similar volume of daily devotional readings drawn from C.F.W. Walther's works was published by CPH! Baseley then found a 1584 Wittenberg manuscript in the safe at his second parish in Dearborn Michigan. Part of it was the collection of Luther's Festival Sermons, bound together with the Church Postils which had been previously translated by Lenker and is currently available from Baker House. His translation of Luther's Festival Sermons was self-published in 2005 along with a companion volume, Christ Beyond Reason, that features Luther's commentary on faith and reason from those festival sermons. Since 2005, Walther has been our choice of German works for translation as well as other pamphlets authored in the 19th and early 20th century Lutheran Church.


To publish and make available to modern readers worthy works from the past to correct and enrich what is failing in the Lutheran church at present and to offer the trustworthy guidance of those who relied in no way upon innovation or any other invention of flesh but sought and relied fully upon the guidance of God speaking in his Word and upon what Christ instituted to bestow his grace in his church in that Word.

© 2013  Mark V Publications