About Mark V Publications

Rev Joel R. Baseley

2000 North York

Dearborn, MI 48128


Phone: 1 (313) 730-9094

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URL: www.markvpbublications.com

Email: owner@markvpublications.com

The Rev. Joel R. Baseley  does business as Mark V Publications in order to make available otherwise unavailable translations of good German theologians. Having studied German for four years, he began publishing Luther's Family Devotions in 1996, Luther's Festival Sermons in 2005 and works of C.F.W. Walther since then. Ordained in 1989, he presently serves Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Dearborn.

We honor Christ in our Works and his instruments...

Dr. Martin Luther (1483-1548)

The father of the 16th century Reformation. As God's instrument, he restored the Gospel to its pure understanding and practice. He wrote extensively though not all of it is yet rendered in English.


 1517: The Reformation began in protest to the Church's selling of grace and crippling of penance. 

 1530: The Lutherans  publicly presented the chief articles of the faith in the Augsburg Confession.

 1548: Luther dies and the true church almost fails, yet it lives on to this day

Dr. C.F.W. Walther (1811-1887)

Dr. Walther is often called "The American Luther". He is noted as the spiritual father of what is now the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and as the greatest preacher of the same. First President, first Publisher of Der Lutheraner, First president of Concordia Publishing House and Concordia Seminary, Pastor of four parishes at once in St. Louis, he left a mark on the Synod no one should forget.


 1811: Born in a Lutheran parsonage in Germany he came of age in the wake of church turmoil resulting from the Prussian Union. 

 1839: Walther and a group of fellow Lutheran immigrants land in New Orleans and settle in St. Louis and Perry County, Missouri.

 1847: Founding of the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Illinois, Ohio and other states, C.F.W. Walther, first president.

Rev. Georg Link (1829-1908)

The editor of Taeglich Hausandachten translated as "Luther's Family Devotions", Link graduated from the Fort Wayne Seminary in 1851, served eight congregations in his 51 years of ministry and served as Vice-President of the Western District of the LCMS. He and his wife raised 12 children.


 1829: Born in Thalmessing, Bavaria, Germany. 

 1851: Ordained at Salem Lutheran Church, Black Jack, MO under the hand of Dr. W. Sihler.

 1884: Issued fourth printing of Taegliche Hausandachten, which he edited, which came to be translated in "Luther's Family Devotions."

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