Baseley Originals
The following books are by the translator of all of the works available on this site. The are a result of strong themes found in the translations he deemed to be important for the present ecclesial scene.
Christ Beyond Reason
Rev. Joel R. Baseley
Out of Print | |
Description: The translator of The Festival Sermons of Martin Luther, was impressed with the depths of Luther's treatment of the differentiation between faith and reason and of how reason falls short of apprehending God and cannot then help but sin by its false (baseless) judgments of God. Thus the role of faith alone as what grasps God's grace to sinners is thoroughly treated in this little book, primarily quoting the Reformer himself in his Festival Sermons. ISBN 978-0-9652403-2-1 127 pages. Softbound in 5.5 x 8.5" format. Cost: $11.99 |
Holy Communion: Vanishing Mark of the Church
by Joel R. Baseley
Description: This book applies the Biblical Lutheran doctrine of the church to identify the root of modern Christianity's and Lutheranism's slide into irrelevance. Keying on Christ's institution of the Lord's Supper and the current practice of the LCMS, a principled diagnosis is made on the church based on this foundational mark of the church. This volume is a necessary reminder of how every Christian must use this Sacrament of Christ's forgiveness for his sanctification and of the fact that justification is surrendered when sanctification, through this means as well as the Word of God itself, is refused. This is necessarily strong medicine for Christians, that is, the church! ISBN 978-0-9822523-6-9 132 Pages. 6 x 9" format, softcover. Cost: $12.50 |
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