Der Lutheraner
Over the past few years this web site has made available der Lutheraner in a rough translated form through the Time in a Bottle Newsletter. After polishing and making available a form of the first year (Commencing September 1, 1844) in published form, the latest effort has been made to publish the first three years, hoping to accomplish the same by the 125th anniversary of C.F.W. Walther's death, on May 7, 1887. We are pleased the Lord has blessed that effort and it is now available. Additionally, a companion book has been produced in which substantial essays and reports relative to the founding of the Missouri Synod (convening originally in Chicago in April, 1887) have been compiled from the articles in the first three years of der Lutheraner.
Der Lutheraner Year One: The Doctrine of the Church
Out of Print | |
Description: Compilation of all 26 issues of the first year of publication of Der Lutheraner with each issue formatted to appear as the original. Included is a free CD containing a searchable/printable e-version of the book as well as a volume containing the Time in a Bottle Newsletters that were originally issued with them. Also included are digital images of the original German issues. Added indices of both persons referenced as well as contributing authors and title of submissions make this a prime resource for researches in this historical era who cannot themselves handle the German! ISBN: 978-0-9822523-7-6 179 pages. 8.5 x 11" format, softcover with CD. Cost: $15.00 |
C.F.W. Walther's Original
Der Lutheraner
Years One Through Three (1844-'47):
Missouri In Formation
(Bilingual edition)
Description: C.F.W. Walther's famous church paper, Der Lutheraner predates the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod by almost three years and in its fourth year became the official organ of the newly formed Synod. His paper is a primary historical source of information as to the challenges, opportunities, faith and piety of this group of Saxons who came to America only to find their emigration scandalized and shamed in the revelation that while claming to epitomize Confessional Lutheranism they had violated most of the dearest held tenets of true Lutheranism by forsaking their homeland and by the pastors' forsaking the calls the Lord had given them in Germany. Yet, this paper depicts a church facing the difficulties of the diverse religious scene in America with the gladness and hope found by all deeply fallen sinners who are restored in grace.
So after the secretive retiring of Stephanism from the European spiritual battlefield, the Saxons here boldly step forward in forthright confession as they encounter every challenge they'd left behind in Europe in America. In the midst of nineteenth century ink wars with Methodists, Roman Catholics, Rationalists and even American Lutherans, a clear confession of Christ is presented by Walther throughout. Correspondence with other Lutherans looking for a pure doctrinal fellowship shows how the bonds of Spirit wrought peace and unity brought about the formation of the Missouri Synod.
This volume is biligual, reproducing the exact image of each page of Walther's der Lutheraner with an opposite page, formatted almost exactly as the original, with the English translation. Walther's own index to each volume is also included at the end of each year. Also, at the end of the entire volume an index of names cites and then an index of authors and articles are included to aid in scholarly research.
ISBN: 978-0-9822525-8-3
732 pages, bilingual, soft bound in an 8 1/2 by 11" format. Cost: $55.00
Missouri Synod
In Formation (1844-'47):
Essays of the Founding Fathers
Edited by Joel R. Baseley
Description: Articles that set the stage for the formation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod appeared by a number of the Saxons who emigrated and emerged from Stephanism with gratitude for the Lord's grace of forgiveness as well as restoration to the Biblical doctrine of the church. The articles selected for this work were written primarily by Walther with help from brothers in the office who emigrated with him, as well as from Rev. Wilhelm Loehe in Germany. The articles are divided into four sections. The first section set the tone for the whole endeaver as Keyl's 1841 public confession of Stephanism is presented as the good soil of repentance out of which the Lord's seed produced a hundred fold. That is followed by Luther on the doctrine of justification and Walther's preamble to the first year of der Lutheraner along with his defense of the name "Lutheran." The last of the four section, the epilogue, reports historical heros and villains included in his paper for the encouragement and warning of Christians.
The middle two sections illustrate the Nehemiah - like approach to the building of this Zion on the Mississippi as polemic ink wars were engaged between Walther and Rationalists, Evangelical/unionists, Roman Catholics, Methodists and even American Lutherans. Thus the sword of defense was held in one hand even as they built with the other. Thus the third section begins with reports of the building of schools in Perry County and Fort Wayne, and continues with the publication of the first constitution, announcements and reports of the first convention, as well as of the first hymnal. Other articles encouraging biblical doctrine and practice are also included which reveal many of the challenges that had to be met in being an independent synod, as opposed to being run under a consistory. The importance of the priesthood of all believers and its proper relationship to the office of holy ministry and the necessity of maintaiing the doctrines of the mean of grace as welll as Christian freedom are all carfully and well presented.
ISBN: 978-0-9822523-9-0
476 pages, soft bound in 6 x 9" format.
Cost: $45.00 |
© 2019 Mark V Publications