Seminal Walther
Collections of Sermons, Addresses and Prayers by C.F.W. Walther (1811 - 1887)
Seminal Walther Collections recently Translated:
These four titles are translations of 19th century collections of Walther's books published during his lifetime or shortly after his death. They are bound in softcover an an 8.5 x 11" format. They are printed by Print on Deman technology, so these order will take 2-4 weeks to fill. Please note that these same materials are available in an alternate form by clicking the "Walther Treasury" tab on the menu to the left. The Treasury Series edits all the material in the four volumes below by season or topic for a more targetted and inexpensive purchase for your library.
From Our Master's Table
Translated from Lutherische Brosamen, 1876
Description: This collection, originally published in 1876 under the title Lutherische Brosamen [in 608 pages] -literally 'Lutheran Breadcrumbs,' grants a sampling of the preaching and writings of C.F.W. Walther, first president of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod throughout the church calendar. Following those 25 liturgical sermons, are a number of occasional sermons. But the meat of the collection are the 11 sermons preached to open the earliest of the Synod's conventions as well as 4 of his presidential addresses. These works demonstrate the major and formative concerns that this founding father of the synod had for this fledgling church, including the need to maintain purity of doctrine and practice, church discipline and confessional subscription. This is a must read for those who want a Biblical approach to church structure and Biblically mandated authority and to recognize the opposite. ISBN 978-0-9652403-4-5 320 pages. Soft cover 8.5 x 11" format. Cost: $28.50 |
Occasional Sermons and Addresses
translated from Casual -Predigten und -Reden, 1889
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Description: This collection of addresses and sermons by C.F.W. Walther, first president of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, was collected and first offered in German in 1889, shortly after his death, under the title Casual -Predigten und Reden [in 616 pages] . Heavily emphasized in the collection are the Reformation and themes of repentance, as well as the informal services very much still common in the church, like weddings and funerals. Unique and perhaps jarring to modern Lutherans are the confessional addresses which prepared his church members to worthily receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This exhortation to use rather than abuse the Sacrament needs a hearing in the modern church! Avail yourself of this glimpse of nineteenth century Lutheranism and be opened to the possibility that we contemporary Lutherans yet have something to learn from C.F.W. Walther today! ISBN: 978-0-9652403-5-2 288 pages. 8.5 x 11" format. Soft cover. Cost: $28.50 |
Festive Sounds
translated from Festklaenge, 1892
Description: This collection of Festival Sermons of C.F.W. Walther, first president of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, was compiled posthumously in 1892 under the title Festklaenge [in 473 pages] and is now available in English. The high feasts of the church year are represented with multiple sermons. This collection serves to reveal the depth of the meaning of these commemorations of Christ's saving works. Walther reminds us of the core meaning of Christ's works of salvation and shows us both the chief and secondary themes available his homiletic use as he stood on the shoulders of great preachers like Luther and others who are still not yet completely available to us in English. Themes such as theosis of mankind through the incarnation of God's Son and our gaining more in Christ than Adam and Eve lost by falling into sin are well beyond what many have heard in modern English preaching and are available to you now! ISBN: 978-0-9652403-6-9 214 pages. 8.5 x 11" format, softcover. Cost: $26.50 |
Addresses and Prayers
translated from: Ansprachen und Gebete, 1888
Description: Published under the title Ansprachen und Gebete just about a year after the death of C.F.W. Walther, the first president of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, this collection relates some of his exhortations and greetings to those who were joining one of his four congregations in St. Louis. The addresses often delineate the rights and duties of congregational membership as well as giving a glimpse at the conditions faced by this fledgling church in a new country. Prayers for his voters' assembly also grant us a view of the heartfelt concerns and needs of the Lutheran congregation in the nineteenth century. ISBN: 978-0-9822523-4-5 208 pages. Softcover, 6 x 9" format. Cost: $8.66 |
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