1914 Exam Table
Self - Examination Table for those Receiving Communion
According to the 1914 forward of this 23 page German pamphlet, this tool for self-examination and preparation for holy Communion was in such demand that a seventh printing was necessary. The review of the pamphlet mentioned therein refers to an 1884 issue of Der Lutheraner, some thirty years before, indicating the longevity this tool enjoyed in its usage. It includes a primer for the theology and practice of holy Communion quoting both Luther in the Larger Catechism and Walther in his Postils. The four-fold self-examination is summarized based on quotations from Luther as to how one is to examine himself for sin and faith. The Examination Table itself is based on specific questions organized under the Ten Commandments, followed by sections of general questions to examine the penitent's proper regard for the seriousness of sin, the state of his contrition, the state of his faith and the state of his desire for holiness or sanctification. Its finale is an exhortation to the penitent to let nothing hinder him from bringing his sins and himself to the only source of strength to extinguish and defeat sin and weakness of faith and bring forth sanctification, that is, Christ in Holy Communion.
The forward also reminds the pastor of his responsibile for every one's examining themselves before communing as the Apostle exhorts in I Corinthians 11.28 and recommends this booklet to that end. It is in perfect agreement with the practice of Communion as Biblically championed by C.F.W. Walther in his Confessional Addresses which are available in his collection of Occasional Sermons and Addresses displayed here.
The translation of the Pruefungs-Tafel is available at the link just below in .pdf e-book format. You may open it with your brower by clicking on the link, or download to your hard drive by right-clicking with your mouse and saving on your hard drive.
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